Newly elected class representatives anticipate back to normal year
Even though the pandemic has begun to subside, the effects of the coronavirus have lingered – this time affecting the elections of class representatives.
Instead of the traditional speeches given in the auditorium, every candidate created a video about why they should be chosen for their position.
But several students felt the election became more about who you know, rather than what you know.
“I thought your chance of winning [this year] was based upon the more friends you have rather than there being another, genuine way to win,” said junior Kylli Asaro. “I thought this because it seems that class elections are typically more of a popularity contest than anything, and that seems to be what everyone else thinks too.”
But other students saw the videos as a way to convey their experience for the job.
“I was comfortable in my position as secretary for the last two years, but I knew I wanted to do more. I really want to work and reconnect the class. I think a year of separation has definitely taken a toll on everyone, especially juniors who are preparing for college,” said junior Sofia Hoffman about her run for President.
Some Mountaineers said participating in Student Council also helped them in their run for class positions.
“For the past school year, I have gone to all the Student Council meetings I could. By gaining this experience, I felt prepared to run for a Student Council representative position. I think a lot of people recognized my name from when I ran last year for treasurer, so they knew what my plans and goals were in the Council,” said freshman Sarah Cox, a representative for the Class of 2024.
For the 2021-2022 school year, some newly elected class officers said they want to tackle challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, including mental health issues.
“I want to see if we can work with guidance counselors to create more mental health outlets. With the separation and stress of school in general, I think having more opportunities for students to get help when needed is necessary,” said Hoffman, Class of 2022 President.
Lilliana Mastrototoro, Vice President for the Class of 2024, echoed that idea.
“I intend on trying my hardest to advocate for mental health and stability. My main concern in this area is testing and homework, and I will try my best to communicate the opinions students are having regarding these issues with administration,” said Mastrototoro. “I want to make the school community a place where people feel safe and not stressed.”
Class representatives said they also want to plan more social events.
“I hope to work alongside my fellow officers and plan more events, specifically for our senior class. I’m not sure what we can and can’t do yet, but having multiple events and fundraisers throughout the year would be ideal to bring us all together once again,” said Asaro, Class of 2022 Vice President.

Hoffman elaborated.
“I’m hoping that the seniors will have a Welcome Back fall event that my fellow officers and I will be able to plan,” said Hoffman.
Bella Giaquinto, president of the Class of 2024, had additional ideas.
“I also wanted to try and see if maybe we can restart some of the fun events again. Hopefully, pep rallies since we have been missing out on those,” said Giaquinto.
Freshman Mary Gibbons, Representative for the Class of 2024, agreed with the need for more socialization.
“As Student Council representative I would like to try to do more activities with school and have more school involvement since Covid is getting better,” she said.
Sophomore William Eisl, Class of 2023 President, said he would like to focus on issues directly affecting the high school.
“I plan to work with students and faculty alike on issues that they see within the class whether it be small things such as a new fan for a classroom, or as big as a Junior Prom next year. I also have a goal to try to re-lay and fix the WRHS Track as it is very old and in need of some TLC,” said Eisl.
Other class officers said they will focus on issues that extend beyond the school.
“I plan on trying to host two food drives during the school year, for our local food bank because the physical health of our community depends on eating right!” said Giaquinto.
For the elected class representatives, no matter the plan – large or small, they will be ready to begin working on them right away.
“I just want everyone to know my main goal as president is that when everyone leaves high school they have great memories to look back on!” said Giaquinto.

Gabi is a freshman at WRHS. She is from Rutland. She joined the Echo as something she had deemed interesting when she first went on the WRHS website, and...
Amelia Darmanin is currently a freshman from Princeton. She loves to read and write, and spends most of her free time with her nose in a book. Amelia joined...

Allison is a senior and has been working with the Echo for four years. She enjoys reading, listening to Taylor Swift, and editing for the Echo.