Improper student mask wearing proves annoying
Despite frequent reminders, many students continue to wear their masks below their noses.
“There are still multiple [COVID] cases each week and some students are still not vaccinated. Putting it under the nose just goes against the whole point of a mask,” said sophomore Andrew Gemborys.
Junior Alexandra Smith agreed.
“It annoys me so much when people wear it below their nose,” she said. “You’re not doing anything by having it under your nose so it’s just as bad as not wearing one.”
Assistant principal Victoria DeSimone echoed those sentiments.
“Students know when it is below their noses. It’s not difficult to pull it up. I don’t know why administrators have to keep enforcing the protocol,” said DeSimone.
Mask policy at lunch also presents an issue.
“I don’t think it [the mask policy at lunch] is effective at all. If I have COVID, everyone else at my table could now have COVID,” said Smith. “However, I don’t think we can change it… there’s not enough space for social distancing at lunches.”
“It seems to be working right now. As long as we work together and students continue with the QR codes the lunch plan should last,”
Senior Meghan Russo worries what the rest of the year may bring under these conditions.
“I want to have a real graduation this year,” said Russo. “It makes me sad seeing people ignore the COVID protocols.”
Teachers do continually remind students to pull up their masks.
“Usually they say it as a blanket statement but at times it is because a student’s mask is under their nose,” said freshman Tanner Glasier.
Although masks can be annoying, many students said they remain a necessary part in protecting the Mountaineer community from COVID.
“Honestly, everyone breathes better without a mask, but I would rather be here with everyone than not,” said Spanish teacher Erin Dubzinski. “Perhaps, things will change over the course of the year and we will see the lifting of the mask mandate. If not, ” así es la vida.” just the way life is.. time to move on.”

Michelle is a senior staff reporter for the Echo who enjoys spending time with family and friends and traveling.