Social awareness club aims to improve inclusivity of school community
Two years ago, senior Isabella LeBlanc and 2021 graduate Kate Mangus created The Diversity Inclusion Club to educate their peers about various cultures, to instill respect towards minority groups, and to encourage all voices to be heard.
“We connected with a shared passion of advocating for others and saw the need to form a group for students to connect in our school,” said Leblanc.
LeBlanc and Mangus then sought out faculty support.
“We asked Mrs. Waire to be our club advisor and she has been extremely helpful in supporting students with initiatives while the club remains completely student led and directed,” said LeBlanc.
According to the leaders of The Diversity Inclusion Club, they have high expectations for what they want to achieve.
“The purpose of our group is to promote inclusivity at Wachusett, broaden student understanding of diverse experiences and perspectives, and support students from various minority groups as a safe space. We hope our work will not only educate but also create visible progress towards equity in the school community,” said LeBlanc.
Earlier this year, members of the Diversity Inclusion Club spoke on the daily announcements.
“For February, Black History Month, students in the group were interested in honoring African Amercians and sharing this information with the school community to provide a glimpse into a more diverse group of accomplished individuals,” said LeBlanc.
Sophomore Rachel Mburu said she has enjoyed being a member of this extracurricular organization.
“I love being a part of this group. It feels so good to be a part of something so special. I didn’t think that I was capable of being heard,” said Mburu. “I enjoy being involved in the community, and with that gaining a sense of confidence. All of which I’ve gotten through the Diversity Inclusion club.”
LeBlanc said she still has goals to achieve before she graduates.
“For the remainder of the year, in addition to our meaningful weekly discussions, our group plans to work on community outreach through a project on the topic of the diversity of global conflicts and crises where students will research and share information about issues that may be overlooked by popular media sources in the US,” said LeBlanc.
Students involved in the Diversity Inclusion Club said they would welcome any Mountaineers into their after school group.
“Membership isn’t nearly restricted to anyone,” said Mburu. “Anyone is welcome to join and I greatly encourage it.”

Abbie is a freshman at Wachusett. She illustrates for the Echo, and in her free time she likes to paint, draw, listen to music, and watch 80's slasher...