Administration makes difficult snow day decisions
Many new Wachusett student drivers are experiencing snowy driving conditions for the first time.
Snow days are full of frigid, snowy roads and frosted windshields. Deciding to cancel school in these conditions can be one of the most debated decisions that the district has to make, and with five towns, thirteen schools and thousands of kids to take into account, they can also be some of the hardest to decide.
Hundreds of kids wake up after snowfall, eagerly waiting for the email from the superintendent.
Most students and parents do not understand all of the factors and nuances that go into calling a snow day.
“Safety is our biggest concern. Not just buses, but drivers and walkers are taken into consideration too,” said Superintendent Dr. James Reilly.
While the superintendent may be the one to send out the email, he certainly is not the deciding factor in a snow day.
“We contact highway departments, other superintendents, and town officials. We talk and meet with them before calling a snow day,” said Reilly.
Most seniors have had their licenses anywhere from a few years to a few months, and for some individuals winter conditions have never been seen before.
“I wouldn’t want to drive in. I don’t even have snow tires. The snow scares me,” said senior Avery Alfama.
Students and parents’ entire days are changed when a snow day or delay is called. For parents of younger children in the district, cancellation of school means frantically trying to find a babysitter at the last minute, or not being able to go to work.
“My mom has to either stay home or find someone to look after my brother,” said sophomore Jack McDonald.
Some students dislike snow days for the reason that they have to make up school at the end of the year.
“I don’t want to have to make up days at the end of the year. I would rather have a two hour delay and get it out of the way now,” said junior Nathan Jreige.
For some other students, snow days are a fun time for them to enjoy some of the district’s natural beauty.
“I like to ski on snow days, being at the Mountain with my friends is my favorite thing to do during the winter,” said freshman Brady Dziejma.
Some students simply enjoy relaxing at home, and feel during the cold winter season a day off inside is exactly what they need.
“Snow days are awesome, I love them. I sleep late, work out, and drink some hot chocolate” said senior Paul O’Rourke.
Overall, snow days can be the most debated but also most celebrated days of the school year. Snow days are far and few between, and students make sure to make the most out of them.
“I always look forward to snowdays,” said McDonald. “I love how there is no school so I can snowboard.”

Patrick is a junior at Wachusett. He is writing for the Echo while in Ms. Saadi’s journalism class. In his free time, he enjoys working out and skiing.