“Sticker Shock” Continues as Inflation Skyrockets
Many students have experienced “sticker shock” in the past few months when a pizza and two sodas can cost thirty dollars.
“Inflation is when there is a general rise in price levels and has hurt the purchasing power of the consumer,” said Economics teacher Kevin Magnani. “This can be because of different things. Currently the reason for inflation is the lack of supply chain issues.”
Due to supply chain issues, the inflation rate is tremendously higher than usual based on percentages.
“The government would like inflation to stay around 2%. Currently it has been running at about 8% based on a combination of easy monetary policy during Covid along with increase in demand from supply constraints,” said Business teacher Greg Jackson.
Inflation has particularly affected the cost of high end items.
“While I was looking at colleges and while buying my car, I noticed the hidden fees,” said senior Nolan Monahan. “And I didn’t know before how fast they add up.”
Sophomore Angel Rosa had the same issue with an everyday purchase.
“I have noticed shoe prices have increased, and reselling shoes has been hard. I noticed it’s because of the shipping costs,” said Rosa.
Several students said they have had to change their shopping habits.
“I have had to change my spending habits. I do work, but my job is seasonal in the summer. So, in the winter, it is harder to buy things,” said senior Xavier Mcmanus.
Due to the prices, many students have had to substitute the goods that they purchase.
“I have had to get off brand or have had to buy less because of the prices,” said Monahan
Business teacher Ryan Cody has discussed how it will affect his children and students in the future.
“Truthfully, a majority of current students don’t have to pay for their own things independently, so it hasn’t affected them really,” said Cody. “But it will eventually and they will appreciate it when inflation is down.”
It could be some time before inflation slows.
“Currently from what I have read and seen, government officials say it will take about a year or so to see some differences in price,” said Magnani “But this depends on what the federal government does and what the housing market does at the time.”

Brady is currently a senior at Wachusett. He is writing for the Echo as part of his Journalism I class. In his free time, he enjoys hanging out with friends,...
Sammy Lane is the Illustration Editor for the Wachusett Echo.