Each fall the farthest section of the stands fills with students dressed fully in that week’s choice of costume to show their support for Wachusett and its football players- known as the Badlands.
“Students should come to games because it is the best time to connect with the people from every grade while building a strong and positive student fan section that works together as one,” said Physical Education teacher Krissy Teevens. “If the student body can work together as one big team at games, it creates a much more positive atmosphere during school hours.”
Most Friday nights the Badlands, led by seniors Tommy Rovezzi, R.J Dixon, Lilah Callahan, and Mac Laramee, cheer on the fall sports teams whether home or away.
“I went to the games last year and definitely thought about trying to lead the Badlands this year,” Dixon said. “It looked fun and I felt like the man for the job.”
These four new senior leaders said they look to make improvements on many elements of the Badlands from previous years.
“This year I’m expecting more energy, new chants, new themes and better overall organization of all Badlands events,” Rovezzi said. “We’re looking to make halftime fun again too.”
Principal Michael Pratt feels excited to see the Badlands represent Wachusett this year.
“This year I’m looking forward to building more school spirit,” Pratt. “Something that would be cool to see from the students is a chant or series of chants, special to Wachusett.”
According to Teevens, who has supervised the Badlands since 2015, participants must follow a few basic guidelines.
“I think the most important rule is to have fun while showing respect and pride in being a Mountaineer. This goal can easily be accomplished by coming up with clever cheers that support our teams, vs crude and disrespectful cheers against the other teams… To sum up the rules of the Badlands in a few words: Represent Wachusett with pride!” said Teevens.
With the football team’s success, their games have become popular for the whole community.
“Watching the games is really fun because of how good the team always is,’’ said Haley.
Many Mountaineers specifically enjoy the home games as Wachusett brings a special kind of excitement to their games.
“I enjoy the home games so much more,” said Senior football player Ethan Blomquist. “All the fans together, the atmosphere. It really gives you that extra adrenaline when the whole crowd is behind you.”
The new class of freshman can now enjoy the excitement of the Badlands which some have been watching since they were middle schoolers.
Freshman Graham Norton feels excited to see what the Badlands are all about. “I went to games when I was in middle school,” said Norton. “I don’t really know what to expect but it looks like a great time.”
Wachusett students really do feel the comradery when they’re cheering their team on. Senior Nick St. Cyr also frequents the Badlands.
“The best is when a big play happens and everyone gets going,” St. Cyr said. “I love getting fired up.”
Not only do the students feel the excitement of the night but teachers get to see their students let go for a night.
“I do it [supervise the badlands] because I like being around the students in a more relaxed and casual atmosphere and getting to see them have fun!” Teevens said.
Fall Badlands return
Will McGrail, Staff Reporter
November 28, 2023
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About the Contributors

Will McGrail, Staff Reporter
Will is a senior working with the Echo for the first time and enjoys basketball and skiing.

Paige Williams, Photography Editor
Paige is a senior who has been with the Echo art department for 4 years. She enjoys baking cupcakes and taking photos of scenery and animals.