Bigger Faster Stronger (BFS), an afterschool program offered by the Regional, allows both athletes and non athletes to join and workout.
Junior Ben Leroy said he made life changing progression at BFS.
“Going to BFS helped me lose 40 pounds and helped me get in the shape I am in today,” said Leroy. “I thought Mrs. Teevens did a very good job helping a lot of the students find good exercises to help them with athletic performances.”
Freshman Carter Ludy said he started going to BFS during football season to improve physical performance.
“I always had a really good time there,” said Ludy. “I made a lot of new friends and made noticeable changes in strength.”
Junior Rohan Paquette said he finds BFS to have a very specific purpose and with concrete outcomes.
“It helped me get in great shape,” said Paquette. “I think it is perfect for high schoolers.”
Sophomore Travis Labrack, a member of the junior varsity football team, has trained at BFS.
“It helped me bulk up and gain some muscle,” said Labrack. “I recommend everyone should try it.”
The open gym at school through BFS is free to participants. However, if students check out a local gym, membership at Crunch Fitness costs $15 a month plus a $50 annual fee, which adds up to $230 a year.
Physical Education teacher Derek VanOudenhove said he coaches the program in fall.
“BFS is definitely a huge benefit to the students due to its accessibility,” said VanOudenhove. “As of recent years it has brought in students who are interested in bettering themselves instead of just athletes who are looking to boost performance.”
VanOudenhove said he saw students make significant changes in their strength and size while training.
“I have seen a lot of visual improvements in students gaining muscle and strength,” said VanOudenhove. “I hope to see the program continue to grow and see more and more students access it.”
Principal Michael Pratt said the program benefits the school.
“BFS is a great way for athletes to stay active during their off season,” said Pratt. “It is also great for those who are not on Wachusett teams to get and stay in shape.”
Multiple students suggested having the weight room open during study.
“Only thing that could be improved is maybe having the weight room be open during the morning or study for increased availability,” said junior Ben Leroy.
Pratt responded to this suggestion.
“The weight room can’t be open during study as of now as there is no one to supervise it,” he said. “However if the school hired someone to do it, then it could be possible in the future.”
Students get fit with afterschool BFS program
Jack Pasquale, Staff Reporter
April 9, 2024
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Carlos Chancay, Illustrator
Carlos, a sophomore, is working with the Echo for the first time and loves drawing, playing with his cat, and sleeping.