How long have you been a teacher? A teacher at WRHS?
I have been a teacher for a total of 24 years, teaching at Wachusett for 12 years and at college for 12 years prior.
Who/what inspired you to become a teacher?
I was inspired to become a teacher by other teachers and my experience in high school. I realized the dedication it takes and was inspired by the influence teachers can make in students’ lives.
Are you involved in any other additional activities at the school or in the community?
I run Science Seminar and the Science Fair with Mr. Chandonnet and outside of school I volunteer at the Catalyst foundation. (The Catalyst foundation is a foundation which helps to improve the lives of orphaned, abandoned, and homeless children in Vietnam. This is also the foundation which helped her to adopt her daughter Sammie who is now studying art and photography in college.)
What is your favorite topic to teach? What is your least favorite thing about being a teacher?
My favorite topic to teach is how to do research. My least favorite thing about being a teacher is the amount of grading.
What is the most important life lesson you teach? Or what is a piece of advice you would give to your students?
“Life is way bigger than high school. It’s important to do your best, however do not get wrapped up in all the high school drama because when you graduate, you will see that there is so much more in your life.”
What is one thing you would tell new teachers/want them to know?
The first couple years of teaching are really hard but it is the best job I could ever have and I do get thank you’s which really help to make it all worth it.
What do you think is an important thing for all teachers to keep in mind?
One thing all teachers should keep in mind is that students don’t understand the big picture and won’t always unde
rstand so it’s important to remember patience.
What do you think makes you a good teacher?
I try to always help my students learn, and I try to be available to help them when they need it.
What is your funniest teaching story?
One of my Honors Biology students got very comfortable with the class and showed up one day dressed as a fruit fly with a tutu and wand.
What is a random fact about you that would surprise most students?
The first vehicle I ever bought was a motorcycle, and I rode it until I used it in the rain,and then decided to get a car.
What students have to say.
- “She’s a great teacher who supports her students and their individual interests”- Lauren Brenn
- “She’s a good teacher and does a good job teaching the subject matter, she knows a lot about what she’s teaching”- Nyx Daigle
- “She went out of her way to help students, especially when it came to the year long project since she provided me with most of the materials I needed”- Scarlett Shadd