As Mountaineers started the new school year, they are led by two new assistant principals, Matthew Lane and Josue Delgado.
Lane will be taking a leave of absence from his position as a math teacher, one he has had for over 20 years.
“I’ve always been curious about moving to administration,” said Lane. “When this opportunity came up, as a one-year position, it was the perfect opportunity to try it out without losing the ability to go back to the classroom. “
Lane’s new role in administration has him hopeful for what’s to come
“I hope it’s not too difficult of a transition,” said Lane. “I’m sure there will be some difficult days, but I’m sure there will be many great days as well. I look forward to the different types of challenges this new role will have.”
Several students said they approved of Lane’s promotion.
“Mr. Lane is a great teacher, great leader, and especially an excellent coach,” said junior Connor Dugan. “I’m confident that he will get the job done.”
Junior Parker White agreed.
“I have a lot of faith in the new [assistant] principals,” said White. “Mr. Lane is a great guy, assertive, and I think that he can get the job done.”
BRYT teacher Peter Boswell expressed a similar opinion.
“He will nail it. Mr. Lane has always been someone who has been respected here. He is assertive but also understanding, so he will be perfect for the job,” said Boswell.
With all the positive thoughts on Lane’s new position, also comes some negative feedback. People have shown some concern with the transition Lane is making.
Some students believe that this change will be difficult.
“It will definitely be a challenge for Mr Lane,” said Zsidisin. “Going from Math class to assistant principal is a big change so I’m not sure how he will do.”
Senior Tim Beals agreed.
“I’m honestly not too excited about the change,” said Beals. “It is definitely going to be difficult for Mr. Lane, but it doesn’t really have an effect on me.”
While Lane is very familiar with the building, staff and student body, the other new assistant principal, Delgado is brand new to the Regional.
“Mr. Delgado has been a great addition to the administration at Wachusett,” said Lane.
Luke McGrail, a freshman is also just getting his mountaineer career started.
“Mr. Delgado seems like a good guy,” said McGrail. “I don’t really know him though, I’ve only seen him once but everyone seems to enjoy his work.”
Delgado has been at the high school since August, building positive relationships since his start date.
Delgado is new at the high school, and knowing his backstory can help open him up to the students and staff at the high school.
“I came from Burncoat out in Worcester working as a teacher there for a while,” said Delgado. “The reason for coming here was because this community was very different from Burncoat. The community here just seemed so positive so it was an easy decision.”
Delgado has expressed his hopes and plans for this upcoming school year and had high hopes for what is in store.
“I am ready to learn more about this community,” said Delgado. “The people here are so respectful and I am optimistic for what this school year has in store.”
With the additions of the new principals comes with the departures of others.
Assistant principal Anthony DiBenedetto transferred to Mayo Elementary school, while principal Bill Beando took on a new role as Human Resources Director in the central office.
Junior Wade Yang expressed his feelings on their absence. “Honestly, I already miss them,” said Yang. “I want them back, they will definitely be missed.”
Junior Parker White agreed.
“They for sure left a legacy here,” said White. “With Mr. D’s humor and Mr Beando’s leadership, the community will miss them.”
Other students said the change will not affect them. Sophomore Dom Catino said “I won’t be bothered by the change, I’m not too upset about them leaving. I’m glad to have new assistant principals this year.”
The acquisitions of the new assistant principals show promise for a bright future for the mountaineer staff and students.
“Working in education, you always hope to help students. As an administrator, I hope to help serve students in a different capacity,” said Lane. “I hope to build connections with the senior class and help them with anything that comes up.”
The new-look assistant principals at Wachusett
Joe Carroll, Staff Reporter
December 12, 2023
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Joe Carroll, Staff Reporter
Joe is a senior and first-year reporter for the Echo who enjoys cooking and working out.