Students question ethics of Netflix show “Dahmer”
The murders of seventeen men and boys, numerous families traumatized, and lives destroyed between 1978 and 1991 have culminated in 2022 as a Netflix show.
Shows like Dahmer cause people to forget that these horrifying acts are grounded in reality.
“In some ways shows like these are okay to make, but people are forgetting that these shows are not fictional,” said freshman Ella Follansbee.
Ultimately, shows like Dahmer concern the harrowing deaths of real people, and questioning the desire to bring attention to this subject is important.
“Personally, I’m into true crime and I love looking into stories like Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy’s,” said freshmen Morgan Barett. “But I feel as though giving them their own shows gives them a platform and, while it can be interesting, this can glorify serial killers which is not okay in any way.”
Shows dealing with sensitive subjects like serial killers also need to be careful about being respectful to the victims’ families.
“It depends on how the show is set up but if it’s accurate then no, I don’t believe it is disrespectful,” said Follansbee.
In placing an emphasis on serial killers, some viewers feel that the victims’ stories are being overlooked.
“Many people know the names of the killers but none of the victims or their stories, and oftentimes forget the acts which those killers have committed which is truly upsetting,” said Barrett.
Additionally, the families of the victims highlighted in Dahmer were not asked permission to make the show, a choice study hall monitor Jenna Pierce disagreed with.
“I believe the families of the victims should be notified out of respect if a film or documentary is made about the event,” said Pierce.

Seamus is a freshman at Wachusett and this is his first year on the Echo. He enjoys reading and watching and discussing film.