Students thrift clothes to save money, environment
Thrift stores like GoodWill, Savers, and Salvation Army sell hand-me-down clothing, shoes, bags, and many other essentials. This popular global trend made its way to the Regional .
“Thrifting is a good way to get rid of clothes and repurpose them,” said sophomore Ally Roy.
Senior Kaelin Pousland agreed.
“Thrifting is a good way to reuse clothing,” said Pousland.
Some students said they prefer thrifting over purchasing from other larger companies.
“Thrifting is better instead of buying clothes from fast fashion,” said junior Elise Kennedy. “It’s better to buy things people do not want and reuse stuff. And it’s more affordable. Also sustainable clothing is expensive.”
Kennedy said that she participates in this trend not only for convenience, but also as a hobby.
“I also thrift for fun. Shopping is fun. You can find lots of cool stuff you can’t find at the mall,” Kenedy said, wearing jeans she thrifted.
Freshman Sarah Papadrea, who also wore clothes she thrifted, agrees with Kennedy.
“Thrifting is fun and good for the earth. You save money and recycle clothing. All good things,” said Papadrea.
Thriftings affordability appeals to many but especially those struggling economically.
“If people thrift too much they will take from people who need it,” Kennedy said.”Thrift in moderation. Do not take everything you find and it will be fine.”
But Pousland disagreed.
“It’s everyone’s choice. If you want to thrift go thrift,” argued Pousland.
Sophomore Iris Rhyee agreed with Pousland’s argument.
“I think thrifting is sustainable and I prefer it over shopping online sometimes,” said Rhyee . “Some think it’s negative and takes away from people who need to thrift. But, in the end, there will always be a cycle of buying and donating. When I am done with clothes I bring them to Savers so there’s always a cycle.”
Opinions of the people here at Wachusett about the resale market of thrifted clothes, differ.
“Thrifting is cool except for the resale market. Goodwills stock up prices because of resellers and it’s really sad,” substitute teacher Ariana Bacon said. “People go to places meant for people who can’t afford really expensive things and clean out the shelves and I think it’s wrong.”
Even though Bacon has some negative opinions on thrifting, she continues thrifting.
“I really like thrifting because it enables you to find things you can’t find in stores. I only take stuff in good condition and can’t find it in normal stores,” said Bacon.
Assistant principal Becki DeMarco also thrifts, but she thrifts items other than clothing.
“I thrift for anything that catches my eye. Dinner bowls, plates, and antique furniture,” said DeMarco. “I am happy it’s trendy now because I truly believe things were made better in the 80s. When you find the perfect piece for you, you hold onto it.”

Seamus is a freshman at Wachusett and this is his first year on the Echo. He enjoys reading and watching and discussing film.
Sammy Lane is the Illustration Editor for the Wachusett Echo.