New Arts and Crafts Club Engages Students
Returning for the 2022-23 school year, the Arts and Crafts Club opens the door for diverse ideas and creativity.
“The club is good for students who can’t fit Art into their schedule,” said school counselor Christina Lee.
Every Monday, the Arts and Crafts Club, advised by Art department head Audrey Fusco-Benoit and Lee, meets after school from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in J115.
Junior Sophia Mellen and sophomore Grace Hilton lead the club.
“It is a little stressful sometimes, but it’s not that bad. Once you get into a rhythm, it goes pretty smoothly,” said Hilton.
At the beginning of the year, club members worked on a printmaking project.
“We created a design on a block and it became a stamp,” said Mellen.
Mellon and Fusco-Benoit said they have planned knitting, crochet, and suncatcher projects for the coming weeks.
“I want to do more origami like earlier in the year,” Mellon said.
In October, members painted mandala rocks to represent meditative symbols that can be created by painting smooth river rocks with intricate patterns of dots.
According to the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, art soothes the brain.
“Art is really relaxing, but crafts are more calming to me than most other mediums, except maybe drawing,” said Hilton.

Senior Johnny Krikonis agreed.
“Art puts my mind at ease,” said Krikonis.
Club members enjoy the atmosphere of the meetings.
“The club is really laid back – a no judgment zone. Even if you think you’re not good, we want you to come to see what you can do,” said Lee.
Mellen agreed.
“I like how welcoming the art community is,” said Mellen. “They don’t judge.”
Interested students can visit the the club instagram page found at @wrhs_art_gallery or contact Ms. Fusco-Benoit at [email protected] or Ms. Christina Lee at [email protected] for more information.

Ronald Nguyen is a senior in his first year writing for the Echo. Outside school, Ronald enjoys time with his dogs Appa and Zuko and powerlifting
Sammy Lane is the Illustration Editor for the Wachusett Echo.