Ticketmaster Taints Swift’s Tour Sale
Taylor Swift’s “Eras” tour has grabbed the attention of fans, or Swities, all over the world.
After the presale, Swifties were left outraged when the number of people in line caused the website, Ticketmaster, to crash, leaving fans ticketless.
“It was Ticketmaster’s fault about how the presale happened, and I believe there was a better way to have set that up. They should have known the fanbase so they were prepared,” said senior Riley Norris.
Due to the lack of seats left to sell, Ticketmaster canceled the public sale of tickets. So now, with no tickets left, Swifties’ now look to resellers, who take advantage of the insufficient number of tickets by raising prices up to $7,000 on sites like StubHub.
“I think that ticket prices are out of control. I understand the hype to see the artist live, but I feel as though tickets need to be more reasonable,” said assistant principal Victoria DeSimone.
Before they sold out, floor tickets on Ticketmaster went for $800.
“I think it’s fair pricing because it’s Taylor Swift. But I am not paying those prices,” said freshman Maddy Cosenza.
Although TicketMaster released their statement claiming they had “an insufficient amount of tickets left,” students suspect this to be false.
“Oh, they definitely have enough tickets to go on sale again. But they are just buying time to sort this out,” said Norris.
Fans of Taylor Swift and critics of Taylor Swift both had input on what they think the popular star should do next.
“Fans shouldn’t need to spend their life savings on tickets, and I hope that artists and promoters can work together to make concerts more accessible to ALL fans, with more reasonable ticket prices for most seats, maybe under $100 per ticket which would include fees,” said DeSimone. “Perhaps promoters need to consider going back to the good old days of standing in line at the box office to purchase tickets, rather than online sales.”

Seamus is a freshman at Wachusett and this is his first year on the Echo. He enjoys reading and watching and discussing film.
Sammy Lane is the Illustration Editor for the Wachusett Echo.