The bathroom is a necessary resource for WRHS students throughout the school day. This year, a new system has been put in place when students leave their classrooms.
The Regional installed a new bathroom sign out method, incorporating Chromebooks into the process.
“It is a Google Form that, when submitted, is transferred into a Google Sheet in which the data can be accessed by Administration,” said assistant principal Matt Lane.
Administration implemented the new system for analytics on how often students use the bathroom.
According to senior Finnegan Puize the new bathroom sign out takes a simple process and makes it complicated.
“I am not a fan,” said Puize. “Logging in and going from screen to screen takes a while.”
Several teachers said they found the change successful because students have been spending more time in the classroom.
“I love it. I notice fewer kids are going to the bathroom for whatever reason,” said chemistry teacher Lauralynn Weymouth.
Although some students find the process tedious, students said they see the advantage of the new use of the Chromebooks for the bathroom.
“I can see why the school switched, because electronics are consistent and smart,” said Puize.
Students said they miss the old ways of signing in and out on the pen and paper at the door with your name, date, and destination.
“The [new] system is pretty tedious,” said senior Caleb Houle. “The old paper system is a lot quicker and easier.”
Sophomore Ethan Benette has already thought of alternatives to the new bathroom sign out.
“Why not put the sign out on our own Chromebooks?” said sophomore Benette.
According to senior Benjamin Kostantin the system takes longer than anything done in the past.
“Taking the time to sign out takes away from class time,” said senior Kostantin. “When I really got to go [to the bathroom], sitting there and waiting for other people to sign in is horrible.”
The data being gathered through this new process has been overall effective according to the administration team, but they have also been listening to feedback from both students and staff and are open to making changes that streamline the process. Stay tuned for updates as we get them.
Bathroom sign-out shaky start
Miles Paredes, Staff Reporter
December 15, 2024
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Miles Paredes, Staff Reporter
Miles Paredes is a senior. This is his first year working over the Echo and he enjoys listening to music, playing sports, and playing video games with friends.