Wachusett family conveys COVID cards to confined kids

Photo Courtesy of Madeline Snow

These cards are being sent to children in hospitals to raise spirits.

The pandemic has altered many activities – visiting family, seeing friends, and dining out. But, for one family, Covid-19 has not prevented spreading joy. 

Junior Madeline Snow and her family volunteered during this pandemic by making cards for hospitalized children.

“It is the right thing to do and it is fun to do,” said Madeline’s mother, Allyson Snow, a first grade teacher at Worcester Arts Magnet School. “It felt like I had a personal connection to these kids, some are similar ages to the kids I work with.”

The Snows’ had received this idea from SalesForce, where Mr. Snow works as a solutions engineer. After finishing the cards the Snows’ got permission to send these cards to UMass Medical Center through a family friend, Diana Smith, who works in the pediatrics department. 

These hospitalized children rarely get visits due to the pandemic forcing the hospital to restrict visitors.

“I wish I could have been there to see their reactions,” said Madeline Snow.

Due to HIPAA, a law that protects patient health information, the Snows could not know why the children resided in the hospital, which made it easier for the Snows to avoid the topic of sickness in the cards and focus on entertaining these kids. 

“It is always nice when someone makes your day,” said Allyson Snow. 

Even the youngest Snow family member said this community service project affected them. 

“This got me thinking about other people and reflecting on my own life,” said freshman Lauren Snow.